Chicken Pulao


5 KG Chicken + 5 KG Rice (20-25) 8000
4 KG Chicken + 6 KG Rice (25-30) 8300
6 KG Chicken + 6 KG Rice (25-30) 9600
7 KG Chicken + 7 KG Rice (30-35) 11200
6 KG Chicken + 8 KG Rice (35-40) 11500
8 KG Chicken + 8 KG Rice (35-40) 12800
8 KG Chicken + 10 KG Rice (40-45) 14700
10 KG Chicken + 10 KG Rice (40-45) 16000
10 KG Chicken + 12 KG Rice (45-50) 17900
12 KG Chicken + 12 KG Rice (45-50) 19200


Chicken Pulao Daig is a rice dish, cooked in seasoned broth. It is assumed that “Pulao” was first documented by the celebrated Persian scholar Abu Ali Ibn Sina in tenth century. It is evident that Chicken Pulao Daig is a common rice dish of Muslims and travelled with them to civilization to civilization for centuries. Now Chicken pulao daig present itself as a cuisine of various countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Arabia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India etc, by different names like Pilaf, Palao, Pulao, Pilau etc.

Chicken Pulao Daig is an integral part of formal and informal meal of Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Chicken Pulao Daig is usually made of a good quality of rice like Basmati rice or Jasmine rice, cooked in a broth seasoned with a few or all of the following ingredients: onion, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, all-spice, coriander seeds nuts, dry fruit, saffron and salt. Chicken Pulao Daig can be made of meat, lentils and beans or vegetables, meat, lentils, beans and vegetables are also cooked in the broth for a while to release flavors. For meaty pulao, meat pieces with bones are preferred as they release more flavor and makes richer broth. In the most basic and simple method of Chicken Pulao Daig, rice is cooked in seasoned broth and then covered and steamed. Result is a well cooked, separated, flavorful and rich pot of rice. Chachaa Daig Service provides paki pakai chicken,beef, mutton pulao daig in all Over Lahore at your doorstep.

Chicken Pulao Daig is a fairly universal food; gathering most world cuisines in its embrace. Ancient conquests and nomadic shepherds were instrumental in spreading this Islamic aura centerpiece dish to all corners of the old world. History relays that the chef d’oeuvr of Persian kitchens was goat and sheep pulao and it transformed to an elegant dish as it travelled from the campfires of hardened nomadic shepherds to the courts of the caliphs.

Pulao Daig is supremely aromatic and its exquisite usage of elegant spices makes it a very sophisticated dish. It’s this very subtle elegance that played a key role in spreading it to the world at large. From ancient Persia it spread far and wide to the entire Muslim world and beyond. The Spanish added a host of seafood to it, infused it with saffron and called it paella, the Turks referred to it as pilav, and the Latin race from Italy called it risotto.


5/5 KG, 6/4 KG, 6/6 KG, 7/7 KG, 8/6 KG, 8/8 KG, 10/8 KG, 10/10 KG, 12/10 KG, 12/12 KG