Chicken Lahori Biryani


5 KG Chicken + 5 KG Rice (20-25) 8000
4 KG Chicken + 6 KG Rice (25-30) 8300
6 KG Chicken + 6 KG Rice (25-30) 9600
7 KG Chicken + 7 KG Rice (30-35) 11200
6 KG Chicken + 8 KG Rice (35-40) 11500
8 KG Chicken + 8 KG Rice (35-40) 12800
8 KG Chicken + 10 KG Rice (40-45) 14700
10 KG Chicken + 10 KG Rice (40-45) 16000
10 KG Chicken + 12 KG Rice (45-50) 17900
12 KG Chicken + 12 KG Rice (45-50) 19200


Lahori biryani daig is cited to be the most famous biryani in Pakistan. Lahori biryani is the Pakistani variant of traditional Indian biryanis that came centuries ago with the Central Asian invasion. Lahori biryani is known for its strong aroma, slightly burnt taste, and unique flavor. The biryani is made by adding a mix of garam masala and other spices to the rice. The texture of the meat and gravy also complement the taste of this biryani. It comes in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian variants. The rice to gravy ratio is also much higher than in other biryanis. Lahore is a city with amazing food culture and Lahori biryani is its gem.
Lahori Biryani Daig is a delicious rice dish that is packed with lots of meat and other flavors. This fragrant dish is believed to have its origins in Persia but has become a celebrated Pakistani dish. It is often prepared for celebrations and special events because of the time it takes to prepare.


5/5 KG, 6/4 KG, 6/6 KG, 7/7 KG, 8/6 KG, 8/8 KG, 10/8 KG, 10/10 KG, 12/10 KG, 12/12 KG