Chicken Biryani


5 KG Chicken + 5 KG Rice (20-25) 8250
4 KG Chicken + 6 KG Rice (25-30) 8600
6 KG Chicken + 6 KG Rice (25-30) 9900
7 KG Chicken + 7 KG Rice (30-35) 11550
6 KG Chicken + 8 KG Rice (35-40) 11900
8 KG Chicken + 8 KG Rice (35-40) 13200
8 KG Chicken + 10 KG Rice (40-45) 15200
10 KG Chicken + 10 KG Rice (40-45) 16500
10 KG Chicken + 12 KG Rice (45-50) 18500
12 KG Chicken + 12 KG Rice (45-50) 19800


Biryani daig is a favourite rice dish through the Indian sub-continent. It’s a spectacular recipe of a range of spices, saffron and caramelized onions, and has become the most aromatic rice possibly cooked. For all its attractiveness, this is a dish suit for being offered on the royal court.

Chicken biryani daig, adoringly blessed to the Indian subcontinent by the Persians from the Mughal Empire, is really a marvellous dish when done properly. It is very well liked South Asian delicacies and also an essential element of any celebrations like wedding parties, events as well as other traditional functions. Delicious and tender pieces of meat blend with distinctly individual grains of spiced rice.

Chicken biryani daig is certainly a delicious and aromatic meal. The meat is seasoned using a vibrant combination of spices after which mixed in with basmati rice which has been seasoned with lots of green cardamoms, black cardamom, cloves and bay leaves. Think about all of the rich and lovely aromas individually after which imagine them combined, it is exactly what makes biryani exclusive. It’s not only a single pot meal, it is also probably the most aromatic and most delicious dishes to please individuals with and it doesn’t actually need a lot of energy apart from cooking the ingredients and putting them together.

Biryani daig is not challenging in any way to prepare like many think. It’s just bit of time-consuming and it also requires that little extra special attention when we do it. The cooking procedure for Biryani shows up an excellence of cooking art.

Usually, whole chicken can be used for making Biryani, including the two white and dark meats. The cooking periods for dark and white meat will vary. Bones also impact cooking time. For any predictable chicken Biryani, you must choose one kind of chicken part, either all skinless boneless chicken white meat, or all skinless thighs, or all skinless drumsticks. This ensures that every chicken piece has the similar cooking characteristics. Chachaa daig service provides paki pakai daigs at your doorstep on one call.


5/5 KG, 6/4 KG, 6/6 KG, 7/7 KG, 8/6 KG, 8/8 KG, 10/8 KG, 10/10 KG, 12/10 KG, 12/12 KG